Lacy's Lane Page 11
Kippy told Lacy how many more girls from China needed homes.
After that, every time Lacy went up to her sewing room, she thought about the fact that she could help a young girl escape. And the day she cleaned out her parents room, she thought there could be three girls, if two girls shared her parents’ room with twin beds. It wouldn’t be much but at least their life would have meaning. And so would hers.
The big old dining room could easily be turned into her sewing room. She did need that space, because it would be used to teach sewing to the girls if they wanted to learn. There was money coming in slowly from the barn sale and Craig’s list items, thanks to Gannon. And Thad had paid her a ridiculous amount to help move. Maybe God was busy leading the way as she’d asked him to so many times, and then gone about her own way.
Her thoughts flew around like birds finally freed from their cage. Her life had taken so many turns in such a short time, she wondered if she knew who she was and what she was here for.
Two days later, Thad was knocking at her door. Kippy and Mei Le had just left.
“Well, don’t you look nice.” She complimented him, but her heart sunk. He was wearing his back-to-Hollywood clothes.
“Eat dinner with me?” He gazed down at her from his 6’1” height. She was barefoot and 5’6” but he seemed to tower over her more than usual.
“Looking like this?” She tried to laugh.
“I don’t care what you look like. Second thought, why don’t you wear that dress you made. The brown one.”
“Yeah? Sure. Give me a few minutes.”
She left him standing there and flew up the stairs. Washed up, no time for a shower, and came back down.
“Well, that’s the first time I’ve seen you in a dress for a long time.” He whistled.
“Stop. I thought you were in a hurry.” She grabbed her purse.
“Whoa…aren’t we bossy tonight.” He laughed and pulled her hand into his elbow. “Come on. We’re going down to Bensen. I’ve got reservations.”
“Reservations? I thought this was just last-minute.”
“It is, but can’t a guy at least hope?”
“Well, I guess. But you’re awfully sure of yourself.”
“I’m an actor. I’m supposed to be sure of myself.”
The Beach Boys sang Surfer Girl over the radio as they drove along.
“That’s what I like about you Lace. You can get ready in five minutes.” He laughed. “It takes two hours to get me ready for the camera.”
“Two hours? I’d be out of that chair.” She chuckled.
“How well I know that. You never sit still long enough to talk unless we’re sitting at a table or riding in the car.”
“Ah, so that’s why we always go on rides and out to restaurants. I should have known you had a scripted plan.”
“Yep, you’ve always had a plan.”
Thad changed the topic. “Man those guys were talented. Brian Wilson wrote some great songs.”
“I know takes you back doesn’t it?”
“Yeah. Lacy, if I could do it all over again, I’d take you to the prom. I am sorry for leaving you like that. I was a jerk.”
“That’s okay. Everything worked out.”
“Not for you it didn’t.”
She shrugged, uncomfortable with going back instead of forward and told him so.
“You’re right. I just hope you find a guy who will see you for who you are”
“Thanks Thad. I think God will see to that, all the praying I do lately.”
He laughed. “You make me crazy, with all this free forgiveness stuff.”
“What else can I do?”
He thought for a minute. “Nothing.”
“Exactly. So steak and lobster tonight I take it?”
“Anything your heart desires my friend.”
Lacy laughed. “Good I’m going to break the bank. It’s not fun cooking for one.”
* * *
“Dinner was exquisite Thad. Really, you didn’t actually have to break the bank though.” Lacy said as they drove.
“Ah, what’s money? When you don’t have it it’s all you think about, when you do, it’s still all you think about. Life is more than that Lace. You’ve taught me a lot these last few weeks.”
“Me? Whatever are you talking about? How to make potato salad, move stuff, sew?”
“No seriously. I’ve watched how you handled the past, how you let Allison move out without giving her grief and guilt trips. The way you took care of Gannon when I wasn’t even here.”
“Hmmm…never quite saw myself as that great.”
They pulled into her yard and Thad shut off the motor.
“Look, your face is turning ten shades of pink. Just like the time we stood at the bus stop. You were so nervous that you couldn’t even pronounce my name.”
“I don’t remember that.”
“You lie Lacy.”
“Right. You got me. I remember it like it was yesterday. I had braces and thought I’d die if I had to open my mouth. Besides that I couldn’t pronounce TH together.”
Thad laughed out loud.
“I leave tomorrow. I went in for some photo shots for the new season today. Got to stay a few more days that way. Photographer sent the proofs on line and everybody’s happy.”
“Really? That’s great.”
“Another person leaving you huh?” He glanced sideways.
“Yeah, that’s just what I was thinking. BUT no guilt trips. Right?”
“Hey it’s still early, mind if we sit on the porch awhile. It’ll be my last night.”
“Oh. So what am I supposed to say. NO?”
“Exactly. You see how I worked that out.”
“Yep, bathroom first.” She stepped inside the house and kicked off her shoes.
When she came out he was pacing across the porch. He took off his suit coat, folded it in half and laid it over the porch rail. Then the tie followed.
Lacy couldn’t help but notice how good he looked in that crispy white shirt, gray slacks and gray leather loafers. Any girl would swoon.
She hoped that all the craziness out in Hollywood would not turn him inside out and told him so.
“Yeah, it’s crazy out there. I’ve had more offers to sin than you can imagine. And I have been in a few scrapes. Especially with women.”
“Watch your back, Thad. Women use their wiles when they’re looking for a man, and after they have him, they show their true colors. When you’re going out, be choosy. Make them wait. Once you’re married and have kids, if you plan on doing that, you’re hooked to the woman forever. You can never take back the fact that she’s a mother to your kids.”
Thad sat down and made himself comfortable, throwing out his long legs in front of him crossing them at the ankles and resting his hands over his stomach.
“Best advice I’ve heard all day. You keep me straight Lace. And I appreciate it. I think we’d better stay in touch. Get yourself a computer will you? Have Mei Le teach you how to use it.”
“How do you know about that?”
“Have you ever known Kippy not talk about everything she knows?”
Lacy laughed out loud. “When did you visit Kippy?”
“She caught me at the grocery store. Poor Mei Le stared at the floor the entire time Kippy was going on and on about all her skills. Pencil drawing. She whipped a miniature drawing out of her purse and showed me all the detail, told me how good she is at computers. How she set you up with Craig’s List and on and on.”
Lacy laughed again. “What can I say? She’s Kippy.”
“Well I can tell you, I’m going to hide in another aisle the next time I hear her voice.”
“It won’t work. She’ll find you.”
Things got quiet again. Lacy was happy to sit and enjoy the coolness of the evening after that wonderful meal and think about all the new things she was hoping to do.
> After a time, “What’re you thinking about, Lace?”
“You really want to know?”
“Yeah I want to know.”
“Well, I was thinking about how I could turn mom and dad’s old room into a really pretty room and have a girl from China, maybe two, come to live here. I could move the sewing room downstairs to the old dining room, we never use it anyway, and make room for a third girl in Al’s old room.”
Lacy kept her eyes on the fields across the lane and waited for him to say something.
A couple minutes passed and she began to wonder if he disagreed with her or what.
“I think that’s a noble idea, Lacy.”
“Yeah. Noble.”
“But not necessary?” she asked softly.
“Very necessary.”
When he jumped to his feet, she about jumped out of her chair.
“Whoa, that was quick. You leaving?”
“Yep, gotta get packed. Plane leaves day after tomorrow early in the morning and I have to visit Gannon and get a few more papers signed at the attorney’s office before I go. He’s signing me up as executor.”
“Great. I’m glad to hear that.”
“Well, I want to thank you for taking care of him all that time Lacy. I’ll make it worth your while.”
“You will not!” Hands on hips, she let him know in no uncertain terms. “What I did, I did because I wanted to. Yeah, I got tired but…” She shrugged. “Besides you already paid me a ridiculous amount just to help him move. No more money, Thad.”
“Oh, Miss Lacy Linden speaks her mind.”
“Only when necessary.” She crossed her arms over her midsection.
“Whoa, body language says frustrated.”
She uncrossed her arms and cocked her head to one side.
“We know every nuance, every stance, every look, believe me. We play parts well.” He stood gazing at her, his mouth in a quirky smile.
“Well, you go play your parts and I’ll play mine. Gannon already gave me all his antiques and I’m making money off of them. That’s payment enough. Besides you’re going to need the money for your wife and kids one of these days. And don’t tell me you’ve got enough money. You lose your looks or break your leg and your job is out the window buddy.”
“Whoopee, look at her go.” He teased, noting her arms were across her midsection again.
“You just mind my words.” She shook her index finger in the air.
Thad grabbed his tie and threw it loosely around his neck, tossed his jacket over one arm and started down the three stairs. Lacy followed him to his car and stood back a bit. He opened the car door, tossed his coat inside and turned.
“So, this is goodbye. I’ll be busy tomorrow and like I said my plane leaves early.”
Lacy smiled as best she could and straightened her back. She hated leavings. “I’ll pray for you Thad. Safe travels.” She stepped back.
In two seconds she found herself being kissed. Her arms flailed until she could get her hands flat on his chest and push him away. “Now why did you go and do that?” She felt her face flush.
Thad stared at the woman. Why did she think he did that?
“I hope you don’t feel guilty.” He blurted out.
“Guilty?” Geesh, she didn’t even know what to say now.
“Not guilty.” He said like he was in a court of law. “Not guilty, Lacy.” His dark brown eyes stared into hers like she was supposed to know what that meant.
Two seconds later she watched his red taillights move slowly down Lacy’s Lane. And remembered to breathe. Fingertips rested reverently at her lips.
Chapter 21
Lacy walked on weak legs back to the house. “Why did he go and do that?” she said aloud and put up a wall between herself and that kiss. It was only a friendly kiss goodbye. But deep inside she knew that kiss was more than just a friendly kiss.
His hold was gentle, his lips so soft on hers.
There was no way she could go to sleep in this condition, so she slipped into comfy pajamas and started sewing, hoping the distraction would help her to forget before bedtime.
Tired, her eyes unfocused, she laid in the dark she thought about everything.
She hadn’t been kissed much. There were a few dates in her early twenties but she always felt uncomfortable with a guy, especially when they drove somewhere alone. She kept her hand on the door handle in case she needed to escape. Not many guys called back when she refused a kiss at the end of the night. For the last four years, life was mostly about putting Allison through college and keeping up with the farms and…well, that was it.
At breakfast the next morning she realized something. Thad was used to kissing women. And he probably learned that skill both on and off screen. He dated movie stars for heaven’s sake. She scolded herself for even remotely entertaining the idea that he had any feelings for her.
“There, that solves it once and for all.” She broke two eggs into the small iron skillet and pushed the bread down to toast, satisfied with her conclusion. “None of that foolishness, Lacy Lee Linden. You’ve got company coming and Thad is on his way back to Hollywood.”
Kippy and Mei Le made plans to come each Thursday, and today was their day. Mei Le was going to teach her and Kippy Origami, the art of folding paper. Lacy had seen some of her work. It was exquisite. This was their second week of “classes.” Mei Le was still very shy, but beginning to smile more often. By the time she finished breakfast and drank the last of her hot tea, she felt herself again. Setting aside yesterday’s thoughts, she cleared off the 1950s gray and red kitchen table with silver metal trim and made note that tomorrow the set would be on Craig’s List. She’d learned enough to know that retro was in style and the set was in great shape, thanks to her mother’s hand-sewn elastic chair covers protecting the red vinyl.
It was time to add her own touches to the house. After seeing Allison’s simple taste in furniture, she decided she would change the house to make it more useful, especially if she were to take the big step of inviting girls from China to come stay with her.
Kippy knocked and came in jabbering. “We have got some really good stuff to show you, Lacy. Mei Le here has more talent in her little finger than I do in my whole body.” She declared and grunted as she muscled a large sack in one hand and a casserole in the other.
“Here let me take that.” Lacy helped and noticed Mei Lei stayed near the door, like she was waiting to be invited in.
“Mei Le, come in.” Lacy waved her in. Mei Lei stepped carefully, looking behind doors.”
“Oh don’t mind her. She’s afraid of every nook and cranny. Thinks someone’s going to pop out or something.” Kippy waved her hand dismissively. “Come on Mei Le. Bring your bag and let’s lay out those little birds you made, okay?”
Lacy loved the way Kippy was so matter-of-fact. It seemed to help the younger woman to trust.
“Now sit here. It’s okay. Miss Lacy doesn’t mind which chair you take.”
Lacy brought out a huge pitcher of lemonade. “It looks like it’s going to be a scorcher.”
“Yeah, we could go out at half past noon and probably find your corn rows full of popcorn.” She laughed and poked at Lacy.
Lacy took a seat across from Mei Le and waited as she slowly pulled out a large zip baggie and began to lay each miniature item on the table. Lacy picked up birds—all types of birds—made out of white and colored paper. They were so small she wondered how anyone could make them look so real.
“Mei Le! These are beautiful!”
Mei Le nodded in her Chinese way with respect, but did not meet Lacy’s eyes.
“Show her how you do it honey,” Kippy encouraged.
Small hands began to unfold the bird and lay it out flat. Then she took another paper and folded it just like the first and handed the pre-folded one to Lacy indicating she wanted her to try.
Lacy followed the folds and held it up. Mei Le smiled ever
so slightly.
For the next two hours the girls folded larger and larger pieces of paper into birds. Lacy found some colored pencils and drew on eyes, beaks, and such just to see what it would look like. But when Mei Le used the pencils on her birds, Lacy and Kippy just watched her work. When she was done, the effect was amazingly real.
“Oh my goodness, would you look at that. I declare we need to make a mobile for these. For baby’s rooms. Maybe even put them in the church nursery. Just think if she used brighter colors rather than the pastels in your pencil box, Lacy. Just think.”
After a time of oooing and aaahing, Kippy announced it was lunchtime and fished in the cupboard for plates and served her special chicken casserole.
“Might as well take a break. My back is killing me and I bet Mei Le’s hands are hurting with all that folding and coloring.” Kippy grabbed some napkins and silverware.
A truck rumbled outside and Lacy knew it was Bobby. He must have sniffed out Kippy’s well-known exquisite cooking, and just happened to stopped by at the right time.
She peeked out the window over the sink and, sure enough, that big old dump truck brought dust and three guys knocking at her door. Lacy let them in. Mei Le instantly lost her smile and disappeared from the room.
“We saw Kippy’s car from down the lane. You got any extra of that casserole Miss Kippy?” Bobby pointed at the dish that sat on the counter.
“We sure do. You know I cook for a crew. Come on in boys. Sit yourself down. We’ve got lemonade, chicken casserole and chocolate cake for dessert.”
“Dessert?” One of the guys called out as they were washing at the laundry sink in the mud room.
“Sure-fire way to keep from eating that whole cake by myself. Mei Le there doesn’t like dessert much, so you guys help me out, okay?”
Lacy could hear Kippy’s singsong voice from the hallway. That woman loved to cook and fed anybody who would eat her food. Lacy loved the way she made herself at home no matter where she was.
She heard muffled sobbing from the tiny closet.
“Mei Le, they are friends. No one will hurt you. You and I can go away if you want to. Please come out.” Lacy said softly.