Lacy's Lane Read online

Page 14

  “Wow…I’ve been out of the loop haven’t I?”

  “Stop. You’re looking guilty. I’m a grown woman, remember? You’re not my mother. You’re my sister.”

  “Yes, but who else will look out for you…” Lacy swiped at the stupid tears that came without warning. “I’m sorry…it’s just…”

  “I know.”

  “Actually you don’t understand. And that’s the problem.”

  “What do you mean, Lace?”

  “Look Al, there’s something I haven’t told you. About me…I don’t want to talk about it here. Finish your drink. We’ll go to the house.”

  Allison followed her home and Lacy prayed the entire way. Was she right to tell? Should she just not burden her sweet younger sister with this stuff? Thoughts flew through her head until she smacked the steering wheel and decided. “Darn it, it’s time to stop keeping secrets.”

  By the time they got into the house, Al had walked her sister through looking at all the changes. Lacy was glad, because it gave her time to get her thoughts together, if one could get their thoughts together for such occasions as this.

  “Place looks absolutely stunning. It’s so much brighter and softer in here. Your girls will love coming here, Lace. Now sit down. You’ve got something on your mind. Tell me.”

  “Allison, I never told you something that happened to me when I was seventeen. It’s stayed with me all my life. Made me afraid and I kept it pressed down inside. Finally I talked to someone about it and it came out. Ever since, I have felt freer.” She hesitated and took a deep breath. “Maybe it’ll explain why I worry about you so much.”

  Lacy saw her sister’s worried look.

  “When I was in high school, Thad asked me to go to his senior prom with him. I couldn’t believe he asked. I had such a crush on him. Remember mom made that beautiful pink dress for me. The one that hung in the back of my closet?”

  “Of course I remember it. She made me a tutu for ballet class from the scraps.”

  “That’s the one.”

  Lacy swallowed and began again. “Well I went to the prom and Thad’s girlfriend Missy at the time had broken up with him. That’s why he asked me to go.” She was there that night and had no idea Thad had asked me.

  “What!” Allison blurted out.

  “I was so embarrassed I wanted to go home. Everybody knew Thad and Missy were an item. So he asked one of his friends to drive me home.” She felt burning tears.

  ‘Umm….on the way home he…ummm…”

  “Oh no, Lacy…”

  “He raped me.” She forced herself to say the word out loud.

  Allison started to cry and Lacy hated that so she finished…”I came home and I never told anyone. Not even mom and dad. While Thad was home to move Gannon we talked. He made a joke asking if I got my first kiss from his friend that night and I got up and…well…I lost it. After a while he made me tell him why I was acting out. And I did.”

  “Oh Lace…” Allison covered her face with her hands.

  “He punched his fist through the screen door and apologized over and over again. It just happened. It wasn’t anyone’s fault except the guy who took advantage of me.”

  “Thad went to find him. He was going to confront him. And learned that he was a paraplegic. Seems he got into a fight over his treatment of some woman and a guy shot him.”

  “Justice if you ask me.” Allison’s angry words shot out.

  “I thought that at first too. Then I realized he paid the price for his behavior. And I’ve yet to pay the price for mine.”

  “Yes, but you didn’t hurt anyone.”

  “Oh I imagine that I have. But I told you now because I want you to know. It can happen to anyone. And it not be your fault. I just don’t want it to happen to you that’s all. Promise me you’ll be careful. If you see any sign. Any sign at all that you feel funny about. Run okay? Come home?”

  “I promise.”

  The two got up together and hugged, Allison crying on Lacy’s shoulder. I’m just so sorry Lacy…so sorry.”

  “I am too. But I’ve seen Mei Le who has been through so much more than me. And I’ve realized what happened was intended for evil but in the end, I believe, God allowed me this opportunity to use my hurt to help others. Does that make sense?”

  “Yeah, it makes sense.”

  “Then you understand?”

  “Of course. I wish I were more like you Lacy.”

  “No…no you don’t. This is my life, you have yours. Just take care of yourself, and I’ll be happy. I hope I didn’t ruin anything for you.”

  “Are you kidding? You’ve shared a slice of your life I never knew existed and I appreciate it more than you know. You trust me and I don’t take that lightly, sis.”

  There were those darn tears again.

  “Okay, it’s done. That was ten years ago. Time to move on and I have. I think that guy has paid for his deeds.”

  Allison sniffled and accepted the paper towel Lacy snatched off the roll nearby. One for each of them.

  “Do you think that’s why Thad is looking for something? At church I mean?” Allison asked.

  “I don’t know. I’ve been praying for him. For God to show himself to Thad.”

  “That’s probably it.”

  “Just keep taking his calls and letting him talk. And please don’t mention that we talked about the part he played. It wouldn’t do any good.”

  “I won’t. I’ll just keep talking like you said.”

  “Good…now get going. I know you have a lot to do. And so do I. I want to finish that trim on our new girl’s room tomorrow, which means I have to get some paperwork done today.”

  “All right. I’m going. Thank you for sharing your life with me Lace.”

  Allison hugged her extra long and Lacy watched her little sister’s red car drive down the lane. It seemed she was always watching someone drive down the lane.

  She prayed for her sister. And Thad too…and went inside. She finally knew her purpose in life now and intended to make the best of it.

  Chapter 24

  Lacy completed the work in the bedroom. She and Mei Le had already started preparing the walls in her parents’ old room, deciding that a soft shade of green would be cheerful.

  Mei Le grew more outgoing over the course of those two months. Work seemed to heal her broken heart. Especially if the work was for someone else. Lacy watched one day as Mei Le took the initiative to pray for her own family—especially her sister—and for the new girls that would arrive. Lacy smiled as warmth filled her heart.

  In four days they completed the painting assignment. It required only one coat and looked delightful Mei Le said.

  “Now she can come. She will be safe here. Miss Kippy must come to see our room, Miss Lacy.”

  “Yes, she’ll be coming by today with her papers. There’s another girl on the way for you, too.”

  “Us? At Miss Kippy’s house? She did not tell me.”

  “She wanted me to tell you while we were working today. She had to rush off right after she got the phone call. There’s no time to wait once the girl decides.”

  “Oh, Miss Lacy! I will have a sister!”

  “Yes you will. So, let’s go down and make a casserole so Kippy doesn’t have to work in the kitchen tonight.”

  “We make cookies with chippies in them?”

  “Yes we will. And a big dish of spaghetti.”

  Mei Le made a face. “I do not like what you call spaghetti.”

  “Chicken and rice then?”

  “Oh yes, much better.”

  The two of them cleaned up the paint brushes and set them in the mudroom, made dinner and cookies, then relaxed in the sewing room. Mei Le began hemming a pillow cover by hand while Lacy picked up a new book.

  The news about her book at the library quieted down. Marston’s new County Fair Queen had taken the news in a whole new direction. Lacy was glad, although at some of the circles she still heard the older ladies talking about it.<
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  She smiled and let it be. But somewhere deep inside she knew she was going to try her hand at writing again. Her thoughts were interrupted by her ringing cell. She grabbed it and left the room.

  “My girl’s name is Kew.” She announced to Mei Le after she hung up.

  “That name means beautiful, lovable.” Mei Le said softly, clapping her hands together. “She is coming?”

  “It does? Beautiful. Lovable. Oh my goodness, she is coming. Here. With us.” Reality hit Lacy, along with a slight adrenaline rush. They’d been planning and making room, but this was a real person and she would be her guardian. She could hardly believe after all the months of paperwork that it was about to happen. She started to speak and noted Mei Le’s sad face.

  “You have own girl now. You will not like me so much?”

  “Oh, no. Mei Le, you were first. You are special. I cannot replace you.”

  “Many girls replace me.” She said quietly. “My mother and my brother sell me. They do not want me. If they do not want me, why will you want me?”

  Lacy quieted her heart and mind before she spoke.

  “No one can replace you, Mei Le. No one. There is no one like you.”


  “Can anyone replace me?” She asked Mei Le.

  “No. No one replace you, Miss Lacy. You are good. I am used.”

  Lacy held back the tears that threatened to reveal her heart.

  “It may feel like that, Mei Le, but that was not your fault. It was because someone did that to you. Did you want it to happen?”

  “No, I never want it to happen.”

  “Then it’s not your fault. Neither was it my fault when it happened to me.”

  “I see. I see, Miss Lacy. But it will take very long time for me to be like you.”

  “You are not supposed to be like me. You are supposed to be like you. We come from different countries, from different parents, but we are the same to God. Do you see?”

  “I beginning to see. But it will take much time. I am not ready.”

  “That’s okay. One day you will be.”

  “Yes, one day…”

  “I love you, Mei Le. You first.”

  “Me? Yes I am first!”

  The light in her young face lit up and Lacy knew she understood, if only a little bit, that she was not just a body, but a person worthy of love and respect.

  Chapter 25

  Twelve days later, earlier than planned, on a hot mid July day, they found themselves sitting at O’Hare Airport in Chicago. Waiting. Kew came into view from the airport corridors with two other girls and Rob Van Arsdale. Lacy knew which girl was hers. She’d been told Kew was the tallest of the three. Rob stopped to talk to a Chinese lady dressed in a suit. After a time, the lady turned around and went back to the plane.

  The girls followed Rob with one small suitcase apiece.

  “Miss Kew, this is Miss Lacy.”

  The girl instantly bowed her head slightly in greeting, Lacy noting her beautiful haircut, short and straight curving around her cheek.

  “Kew. It’s so good to have you here. I’d like to introduce you to Mei Le.”

  The two girls started talking in their native language and Lacy watched. She’d never seen Mei Le so animated. After a few minutes Mei Le turned and apologized in English. “We are sorry, Miss Lacy. It is rude to speak.”

  “It doesn’t matter. Does Kew know English?”

  Kew answered for herself. “I know very much English, Miss Lacy.”

  “Ah then, you shall teach me Chinese.”

  “You want to learn Chinese?”

  “I will try.”

  Rob introduced the two other girls, Chen and Song, who stood by very quietly with their eyes to the ground.

  “Mei Le would you tell them welcome to the United States? We are glad to have them and we will be taking them to their new families who are waiting in another area?” Rob asked.

  She did and they bowed slightly.

  Lacy and Rob had a chance to talk while the girls were visiting.

  “How are the boys?”

  “They’re fine. I checked on them every day. They had dinner with Mei Le and me twice and played simple board games. Mei Le won. She’s very good.”

  “Good. I’m headed home to see them. Thanks for checking in on them.”

  “No problem.”

  “Thank you for going along and bringing Kew and the other girls home.”

  “Kew is not a bit shy. She has spunk. Definitely the leader of the group, and she speaks perfect English,” He laughed. “The three girls got along really well. I think the families are going to want them to be close.”

  “That’s good. They can keep in touch with their homeland, their culture and with each other.”

  “The girls are from different provinces. We had to travel quite a bit, but all wished to come. The papers are in order. It’s quite a process.

  “I’m sure everyone felt safe and protected with your presence.”

  “Well, thank you. But it was not easy. I had to have a Chinese representative escort them along with me. The girls refused to get on a plane with a man. As you could well understand. I made sure to sit several seats behind them. They were actually very glad to see you and Mei Le.”

  “I’m just glad you were there.”

  “Thanks.” He saluted. “Car’s in the lot. I’m headed to Michigan to see my boys. You all have transportation, right?”

  “Yes. Safe travel, Rob.” She waved.

  Kew and the two others girls stood in a circle.

  “You will see each other,” Lacy assured them, letting Kew translate.

  “We will. We will not be going far away?” Song batted her wet lashes.

  “Well, we will be going away, to Michigan but you will all come with us together. Would you like to meet your new parents?”

  The girls nodded and wiped their eyes. “We use bathroom first.”

  “Mei Le, why don’t you go along with Song and Chen.” Kew and I will stay with the luggage.

  When Lacy and Kew were alone, Kew put her hands on her hips and said. “Do you want me?”

  “Yes, I want you.”

  “You know what I did?”


  “You still want me now?”

  “Yes, I still want you now.” Lacy nodded firmly a smile on her lips.

  “Okay, I will go then.”

  When the three girls rejoined them, Lacy wrapped her arm around Kew’s shoulders. “Let’s go home.”

  Fifteen minutes later Chen and Song met their new families. A few more tears and reassurances and they were all on their way back to Michigan. With the promise that the girls would see each other again.

  Lacy enjoyed the ride, excited for Kew to see her room. The two girls sat in the back bench seat together and chatted quietly in their native language. If she added more girls to her family she would have to buy a bigger vehicle.

  Chapter 26

  As they pulled onto Lacy’s Lane Kew said, “We go to work house?”

  “No. No.” Mei Le said and then went on in Chinese and back to English. “You not work like that anymore. You learn to sew. You learn to make good food. Not like before.”

  “Ah.” Kew said and smiled, but Lacy saw she was not convinced.

  “Mei Le, should we call Kippy and ask if you might spend the night? We’d have to make you a bed on the sofa.”

  “Yes, please.”

  Lacy parked the truck. Kew carried her own luggage and would not let anyone help her.

  After a quick call, Kippy running around with preparations, said it was actually good that Mei Le had something to keep her busy, because she would be on the phone during the middle of the night making the final plans for her new girl. She would be coming in less than two months. The situation required more time than planned, but it would give Mei Le a chance to get used to the idea.

  Lacy sent Mei Le and Kew upstairs to see her new room while she made sandwiches, hoping Kew didn’t mind
American food the first night. Mei Le had been so hungry, Kippy said, at first that she ate anything that was put before her. When Kippy noticed she made faces while she ate certain foods, she informed her she did not have to eat something she didn’t like.

  “You not be insulted?”

  Kippy had reassured her that she would not and so Mei Le learned she did not have to eat things she did not like.

  Lacy set the food on the table and called up the stairs.

  The two came down arm in arm.

  “Wash.” Mei Le took Kew to the sink. “You not eat until you wash”

  Lacy offered Kew any seat she wished at the table. But she would not sit down.

  “Custom is adults sit first.” Mei Le informed Lacy.

  So Lacy sat and then Mei Le and finally Kew.

  Once dinner was done and things cleaned up she noticed Mei Le took Kew into the sewing room. The pocket doors were open and she watched Kew’s big brown eyes grow bigger.

  “This is all for her?”

  “Yes, all of it is Miss Lacy’s. I sew quilts.” She said proudly and Kew bent over to examine the work.

  “You sew?” Mei Le asked.

  “No, I do not sew. I like sports. I do not like girl work.” Kew informed her.

  The two giggled and a relationship was formed. They ran upstairs. Lacy rearranged the pantry and put a load of laundry in the washer, then went to the living room, stuck her feet between the sofa cushions and chose a movie.

  She watched Under The Tuscan Sun, thinking of her sister’s visit to Italy, leaving the girls to unpack and get to know each other. She mused about days gone by already. And prayed for Allison. Lacy knew she could not run her sister’s life. She had new things to do. One of them was to pray for Thaddeus Gannon, which she did, then called the girls.

  “Time for bed. Kew, let’s get you unpacked and then to bed. We can talk tomorrow.”

  “Can Mei Le sleep in here too?”

  “There’s no bed.”

  “I will sleep on floor then. She can have the bed.”

  “I’ll get some extra blankets to put on the floor.”

  Lacy brought blankets and pillows and found the girls sitting on the floor looking at a children’s picture book taken from the bookshelf on either side of Kew’s new bed. She left extra blankets on the bed, instructed the girls to put lights out in one hour and shut the door.